This section of the website explores what Dead Scent is, how it works and its practical applications in the real world
(page in progress - more content coming soon!)
musty bell tent?
It's been in storage all winter and now the sun's out you decide to give it a good airing. But unfortunately there's an unpleasant musty smell - how to remove it?
Milk has a curious ability to seep into fabric and stay there indefinitely. Add in heat from the sun and it can be difficult to remove... until now!
smelly BOAT bilge?
You've waited all through winter for this day - time to prep the boat and get it back in the water. But wait, what's that bilge smell?
would aeresol work?
Most aerosols can only mask bad odours temporarily. Instead, Dead Scent attacks and kills scents at the molecular level, permanently.
how easy is it?
Just 3 simple steps - place Dead Scent on a flat, level surface, add water and place treatment packet blue-side down into the tray. Close the tray and walk away.
what smells are treatable?
Dead Scent can fix all kinds of scents - Mould, Smoke & Tobacco, Fire Damage, Paint, Pet Smells, Fish Odour, Cooking & Food, Vomit & Urine, Rubbish, Septic & Sewer